Swift and Dependable At Watt We Do!

Our electrical shop works with a long line of experts who can conveniently resolve any electricity concern notwithstanding the involved technicalities. We excel at residential appliance installation and are equally reliable for swift power restoration, for instance. In addition, our door is open at all times for inquiries, appointments, and emergencies. All you need do is get in touch; Olive 24 Hour Electrician will never let you down

Our Services

Backed by the best electrical equipment in the market and provided with top-notch materials for projects, our electricians are capable of resolving any problem in a split second. This list starts with light fixture installation and electrical panel replacement and extends to wiring installation and GFCI outlet installation. Impressed? Our service sheet offers lots more, including circuit breaker installation and light switch repair!

Year Established: 2011

Service Area

We are headquartered in Orange, and we provide our electrical services freely across Orange County.

Business Hours

Our service is available to customers at any hour we are contacted.